Connected Speech

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  • Stress-timed vs. syllable-timed languages

    Stress-timed vs. syllable-timed languages

    The video discusses the difference between stress-timed and syllable-timed languages, using English as an example of a stress-timed language. In stress-timed languages, the timing between stressed syllables remains consistent, leading to weak forms and other speech phenomena. In contrast, syllable-timed languages feature more consistent syllable lengths. Watch the video for further explanation and examples. Read more

  • What is gemination? – Consonant lengthening & Twinning in Connected Speech

    What is gemination? – Consonant lengthening & Twinning in Connected Speech

    The video discusses consonant lengthening in English, contrasting it with the more common long and short vowel sounds. In English, consonant length is generally not a distinguishing feature, meaning it does not change the meaning of words. However, longer consonant sounds can occur across word boundaries and morphemes when the adjacent sounds are the same… Read more

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With a library of over 260 videos as of 2024, ‘Billie English’ has amassed over 100k subscribers and 6 million views on YouTube, solidifying its status as a trusted resource for English learners and phonology geeks worldwide.

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