Phonology Topics

  • Non-rhotic vs. Rhotic English Pronunciation

    Non-rhotic vs. Rhotic English Pronunciation

    The video discusses the concept of rhoticity, highlighting the pronunciation differences between rhotic and non-rhotic speakers, focusing on the rhotic /r/ sound. It also covers how to indicate rhoticity in phonemic transcription and the countries where each accent is prevalent. The content offers insight into the intricacies of pronunciation and accents. Read more

  • What is a syllable?

    What is a syllable?

    In this video, you will learn about syllables in English. The video demonstrates how to identify syllables using methods such as the hand-chin, clapping, and robot voice methods. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the distinction between sounds and letters. The video also showcases examples of words with different numbers of syllables, including the longest… Read more

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